
Kubernetes Articles

Kubernetes: How to create, view and delete a Pod
Pods are the smallest deployable objects in Kubernetes. A Pod can contain one or more containers. A pod running more than one container is considered...
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Kubernetes: What is an init container
Init containers are the containers that are initialized before the application container in a Pod. Init containers usually contains the setup scripts and...
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Kubernetes: Sidecar container
What is a sidecar container A sidecar container is a container that runs along with the main application container in a pod. Just like init container,...
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Kubernetes: ReplicaSet
What is a ReplicaSet ReplicaSet is a Kubernetes object which ensures that a specified number of pods are running at any given time. The limitation...
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Kubernetes: Deployment
What is a Deployment? A deployment is an object in Kubernetes that helps you to manage a group of identical pods. A Deployment runs multiple replicas...
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